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Upper Peninsula Weekly Fishing Report – Sept. 9, 2020

Upper Peninsula Weekly Fishing Report – Sept. 9, 2020

Keweenaw Bay: Strong winds have hampered fishing. When anglers could get out, fish were marked, but the action was spotty, with the majority getting a few lake trout. A few Chinook, coho and steelhead were also caught.

Little Bay de Noc: Most walleye anglers were fishing the Minneapolis Shoals and Round Island area. Night anglers reported the best catches using a crawler harness or stick baits in 12 to 25 feet. A few anglers reported catches when trolling the same around the Center Reef in 18 to 24 feet. Fair perch catches at best in the Gladstone beach area in 20 feet or along the First Reef in 10 to 25 feet with crawlers. Pike were active near Escanaba when trolling spinners in 14 to 16 feet near the lighthouse.

Manistique River: Boat and shore anglers are targeting salmon. They are seeing fish, but the numbers are lower than previous years. Shore anglers did best up near the dam when casting J-plugs and crankbaits. Those using spawn caught the occasional brown trout. Several pink salmon were reported as well. The occasional walleye continues to be caught by boat anglers casting a jig and crawlers up at the rapids.

Munising: Gusty winds made fishing difficult. Boat anglers trolling for coho in the west channel, Munising Bay, Trout Bay and off Christmas had no luck. Shore anglers targeting splake had very few catches.

St. Marys River: Fishing was good for pink salmon. Walleye fishing slowed, but some were still caught in the shipping channel.

Detour: Lake trout and pink salmon remain steady at the Detour Reef and lighthouse.  Pink salmon are scattered throughout the water column. Try 25 to 35 feet down while the salmon are along the 90-foot flat and hitting orange and white spin-glo’s behind flashers.

Cedarville and Hessel: Anglers reported a few catches of yellow perch at Island #8 when using worms and shiners. Try fishing near the bridge that connects Hill Island Road to the island. Fair catches reported in Musky Bay in 8 to 12 feet at Connors Point. Northern pike fishing was fair at the Middle Entrance to the Les Cheneaux Islands when using creek chubs and large minnows in 18 to 20 feet. A couple walleye were caught at Les Cheneaux Point. Try a jig with a white or chartreuse twister tail or a minnow under a slip bobber in 6 to 12 feet in the early morning or late evening. Largemouth bass were hitting spinners under the docks throughout the islands. At Hessel, yellow perch fishing was fair at the finger docks in the marina, but anglers were sorting out the small ones. A few splake were also caught on natural spawn bags or small orange and gold spoons.  Wilderness Bay was producing a few splake and rainbow trout when trolling orange and chrome spoons off Coates Point in 22 to 28 feet.

Carp River: Anglers were drifting spawn or casting crankbaits and spoons for Chinook.  A few fish up to 8 pounds were caught. Walleye and perch anglers were still drifting worms, but catch rates are starting to slow as the salmon move in. A few pike were caught at the mouth.

Nunn’s Creek: Had no fishing updates; however, anglers can wade at the mouth and try casting a blue and silver or green and silver Cleo for salmon.

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