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Kirkwood Building Demolition Project Concluded July 27, 2020

Kirkwood Building Demolition Project Concluded July 27, 2020

The City of Negaunee is announcing the conclusion of the demolition project focused on eliminating the public hazard located at 324 Iron St., once known as the Kirkwood Building. In the spring of 2019, the Kirkwood Building suffered from a roof collapse. This collapse caused the third-level floor to crash through to the basement.

According to City Manager Nate Heffron, “This structure posed life threating risks to residents and visitors, as well as, potential damage to nearby buildings.” Due to owner’s failure and/or refusal to take remedial action to abate the hazard, it became necessary for the City to utilize emergency powers under the City’s Property Maintenance Code (PMC).

Planning and Zoning Administrator, David Nelson stated, “Demolition began in the summer of 2019. The City hired a demolition company out of Grand Rapids (the lowest of the three bids). Demolition was complete in Fall of 2019. The only remaining objective of this project was to make general repairs to the roofs of the adjacent buildings.” These repairs included reattachment of the roof lining to the edge of adjoining buildings. The repair projects were recently completed in July, 2020.

We are now moving into the stage where the City will be seeking reimbursement for the costs associated with having to undertake the demolition project,” Heffron said. “The City should not have had to foot the bill for the abatement costs for a private property.” Costs for the abatement totaled $209, 795.65, and include demolition, asbestos testing, engineering consultation, fence rental, roofing repairs, and other charges for service rendered by the City during demolition. Additional costs could include legal fees.

Questions concerning this release may be directed to the attention of the City Manager, Nate Heffron at (906) 475-7700 ext. 11.

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