Gwinn Area Community Schools July 20th Board Meeting Summary
JULY 20, 2020
Superintendent Petrovich updated the Board on the following: what school could look like in the fall; the District’s response to COVID-19 plan; class sizes; the strategic plan; the sinking fund; and progress on hiring a special education teacher.
The Board also heard an update from Rob Soyring, Athletic Director, regarding MHSAA’s recent decision which currently includes a plan for fall sports to begin with practice as scheduled in August. Mr. Soyring stated that MHSAA will be meeting again on July 29 to reassess the state’s COVID rates and how that could negatively/positively affect the fall sports season.
The Board took action on the following:
Approved the monthly check register in the amount of $845,268.69.
Approved changes to the following NEOLA bylaws and policies as a 2nd and final reading: Curriculum Development – Approved Courses (2210); Homebound Instruction Program (2412); Reproductive Health and Family Planning (2414); Threatening Behavior toward Staff Members (3362.01); Controlled Substances and Alcohol Policy for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers and Other Employees Who Perform Safety-Sensitive Functions (4162); Attendance (5200); Care of Students with Chronic Health Conditions (5335); Authorization to Accept and Distribute Electronic Records and to Use Electronic Signatures (6107); School Calendar (8210); School Safety Information (8400); and Student Abuse and Neglect (8462).
Changed the date of the regular August Board meeting to Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Approved a resolution to accept “Schools of Choice” applications from residents of Marquette and Alger counties and residents of contiguous intermediate school districts in accordance with Public Act 297 of 2000.
Approved a contract with the MARESA to provide special education services (autism consultant, visually impaired, hearing impaired and school psychology services) from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
Approved changes to the GMS/GHS student handbook.
Tabled discussion of the Superintendent’s Contract until the August meeting so that all Board members can be in attendance
Public Comment
Mary Jo Paris-Johns – commented on approving the student handbook changes without knowing what they are
Board Member Comments
The Board members collectively thanked the entire staff for the hard work and dedication they have shown to our students and community during these uncharted times and stated they know we will do everything we can going forward to safely administer the highest level of excellence in teaching and learning.
The Board then adjourned to Closed Session to discuss contract negotiations.
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