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SEPTEMBER 21, 2020

The Board took action on the following:
Reinstated Student A’s enrollment at Gwinn Middle/High School with the in-person learning option, beginning Tuesday, September 22, 2020.
Retained Student B’s current out-of-school suspension status and scheduled another reinstatement hearing for 6:00 pm on Monday, October 19, 2020.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2020

District News
Gwinn Elementary Schools
We have started this year off with a bang!!  I am excited to report that staff and students have really gotten off on the right foot.  All students and staff have been respecting the new policies in effect to keep our schools healthy and safe.  Although it is hard to see smiles, the eyes still tell it all.  Everyone is happy to be back in school!! (Even our virtual students!)  Many thanks to the teachers, families, board members, and all staff at the buildings for working together to create a great plan to get us started and keep us healthy!!
Mrs. Carey and Ms. Bobbi are working hard in Developmental Kindergarten on social skills and learning how to read everyone’s eyes since we all have our masks on. It’s been a fun challenge and they are doing outstanding in our “new normal.”
Kindergarten is off to a great start. The kids have done a wonderful job of trying to maintain distance, wear masks, and not share supplies.
Mrs. Wagner’s & Ms. Degler’s 3rd grade classes at KI Sawyer are again collaborating with NMU’s pre-service teachers.  Our students will be paired up with an NMU student to participate in a writing project, using an online platform called FlipGrid.  The elementary students will be writing personal narratives, making videos, and receiving one-on-one encouragement and guidance on their writings and projects from their college buddies!  We are all very excited to begin this video writing project!!
Mrs. Kolowena and Ms. Kainulainen’s classes 4th grade classes at KI Sawyer participated in the Think Energy Program again this year! The students were able to take part in this saving energy program virtually! Each student received a bag of items to install in their home with their families to help teach them about saving energy too. This program also offers a $100 grant for the classroom when the students complete enough surveys about installing their items in their homes.
There are many changes and adaptations taking place in elementary art classes this fall to help keep students safe by not sharing supplies. That hasn’t kept us from being creative, learning, and having fun! Students have started the school year off by creating self-portraits, designing their own sketchbooks, and learning about the art element of line!
Our new music teacher has been busy getting settled, getting to know her students, and introducing new class routines. 1st graders are having fun learning about steady beat and melodic contour and will be receiving individual music packets containing a variety of small instruments to use in class. 5th graders have been sharing their favorite music genres and artists with the class and learning technology skills by making Google Slides presentations about them! We will hopefully be starting units on the ukulele and bucket drum once we figure out how to do this safely.
Our Title 1 teachers have been very busy scheduling and testing our K-8 online students with the NWEA test.  Since testing is required for all K-8 students within the first 60 days of school, students that are online and in the seats have been busy taking 2-3 tests.  We would like to thank the parents of the online students for being accommodating and helping us to get this completed.
Gwinn Middle/High School
Tim Goldsworthy and Ace Hardware will again sponsor our GMS Interpretive Nature Trail through donation of all lumber for sign boards, sealant for signs, foam brushes, and brackets for securing signs to posts.

Superintendent Petrovich updated the Board on the following: the strategic plan; sinking fund; extended continuity of learning plan, long term substitute pay, GMS/GHS home room; enrollment; “Flipped Friday”; budget updates; diversity lessons and how it fits into curriculum, policy and school improvement; and the need to advertise for a “Student Instructional and Auxiliary Tech Support” position.

The Board took action on the following:
Approved the monthly check register in the amount of $559,472.18.
Approved the District’s L4029 tax rate request form.
Approved a rate of $140/day for long-term substitute teachers.
Approved the addition of home room at GMS/GHS as a required class beginning with the 2020-21 school year.
Accepted the following employee retirement, with regret:
1. Shirley Kriegel – K-5 music teacher, Gilbert and KI Sawyer Elementary Schools, effective date of retirement – August 26, 2020
Accepted the following employee resignations:
1. Paula Hupp – breakfast server, KI Sawyer Elementary School, effective date of resignation – July 21, 2020
2. Barbara Matson – assistant cook, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – August 14, 2020
3. Sarah Briggs-McNeal – special education teacher, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – October 2, 2020
4. Scott Leutz – Supervisor of Operations, effective date of resignation – October 9, 2020
Approved the employment of the following personnel:
1. Alexandra Kolowena – 4th grade teacher, KI Sawyer Elementary School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 contract year
2. Monique Moore – 3rd grade teacher, Gilbert Elementary School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 contract year
3. Samantha Upson – noon hour supervisor, KI Sawyer Elementary School, effective date of hire – August 31, 2020
4. Abby Pickett – 8th grade girls basketball coach, Gwinn Middle School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 fall sports season
Accepted, with great appreciation, the following gifts and donations:
1. Donors Choose – various donations as listed below:
i. “Conquering COVID-19 Challenges” project (valued at $428.13); “A ComforTABLE Classroom Part II” project (valued at $59.99); “I See Me in Our Classroom Library” project (valued at $313.89); “Distance Learning: Strengthening Online ELA Instruction” project (valued at $279); “Maximizing Students’ Learning Experiences During COVID-19” project (valued at $263.47); and “Make Me Throw My Hands in the Ayer” project (valued at $294.99) donated to Mrs. Hollands’ classroom at GMS/GHS
ii. “Personal Flashcards for French,” project (valued at $403.35) and “Hear Me? Hear Me?” project (valued at $109.89) donated to Mrs. Ruiz’s classroom at GMS/GHS
iii. “Take a Comfortable Seat” project (valued at $467) and “Creative Classroom Supplies” project (valued at $598) donated to Mrs. Waldo’s classroom at GMS/GHS
iv. “Sewing Skills for Life!” project (valued at $350) donated to Ms. Weidner’s classroom at GMS/GHS
2. Masks for Marquette – 1,100 handmade masks donated for use throughout the District
3. United Way of Marquette County – masks and socks donated for use throughout the District
4. Ace Hardware of Gwinn – sponsorship of nature trail and donations of lumber, brackets and sandpaper (valued at $124) for the GMS Science Exploratory class
5. Thrivent – air purifier and face masks donated to Amanda Noel’s classroom at Gilbert Elementary School
6. Marthaler Marquette – picnic table donated to KI Sawyer Elementary School
7. Gwinn Merry Mixers – backpacks and school supplies donated to Gilbert Elementary School
8. Joyce Soma – hand knit hats and a box of glue sticks donated to Gilbert Elementary School
9. Mucked UP LLC & MGD Custom Builders LLC – various feminine hygiene supplies donated to Gilbert Elementary School, KI Sawyer Elementary School & Gwinn Middle/High School

The Board then adjourned to closed executive session to discuss negotiations.

Upon return from closed session, the Board took the following action:
Approved the proposed 2020-21 salary schedule for the GEA which include a 2% increase on the base and 0.5 step increase.
Approved the proposed Memorandum of Understanding with the GEA addressing COVID-19 needs.

Board Member Comments
The Board collectively commended the District teachers and staff for the great start to the school year despite the challenges of COVID-19 and thanked Scott Leutz for his service to the District.

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