Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum invites you to Book Your Bubble November 17, 2020
The Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum invites you to Book Your Bubble! Reserve a two-hour block of private playtime in the museum for just you and your bubble. There is no extra fee for booking during regular business hours. Admission is per person and is $6 for adults and children 2 and up. Infants are free. Members are free (proof of membership required upon entrance). Offer will last until December 9th, 2020. During this time we are not allowing walk-ins. Masks must be worn in compliance with the MDHHS Epidemic Order to protect our staff. Call between the hours of 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Saturday to book your bubble time slot. To book after hour private parties and sleepovers email museummrjim@gmail.com. Call the museum at 906-226-3911 for more details.
The post Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum invites you to Book Your Bubble November 17, 2020 first appeared on Broadcast-everywhere.net.
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