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GACS Board of Education to Meet via Zoom Monday November 23, 2020

GACS Board of Education to Meet via Zoom Monday November 23, 2020

A discipline hearing of the Board of Education, Gwinn Area Community Schools, will be held on Monday, November 23, 2020 via ZOOM using the password


The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Public Comment
4. Discipline Hearing – Student C
5. Public Comment
6. Board Member Comment
7. Adjourn

A special meeting of the Board of Education, Gwinn Area Community Schools, will be held on Monday, November 23, 2020, via ZOOM using the password Gwinn.


The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Public Comment
4. New Business – Action
a. 2019-20 Audit Presentation
5. Public Comment
6. Board Member Comments
7. Adjourn

The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Gwinn Area Community Schools, will be held on Monday, November 23, 2020 via ZOOM using the password Gwinn.


The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Student Presentations
a. Students of the Month
i. Gwinn Middle/High School
6. Public Comment
7. Financial Report
a. Presentation of Claims
b. Financial Report
c. Accept 2019-20 Audit Report
8. Information
a. Superior Solar Project
b. Strategic Plan Update
c. Sinking Fund Update
d. Extended Continuity of Learning Plan Update
e. 2019-20 Teamster Retiree
f. Department Updates
9. Superintendent’s Report
a. District News
b. Board Update
c. Correspondence
10. Old Business – Action
a. Board Pay
11. New Business – Action
a. NEOLA Policies – 1st reading
b. Set date for Superintendent Evaluation
c. Personnel
1. Retirement
i. Lorinda Woodring – math teacher, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of retirement – December 31, 2020
2. Resignations
i. Toni Roberts – Varsity girls volleyball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – November 6, 2020
ii. Whitney Schampers – Varsity cheerleading coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – November 9, 2020
iii. Darren Sinnaeve – Assistant Varsity football coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – November 16, 2020
iv. Ben Olsen – Varsity girls basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – November 17, 2020
v. Jim Finkbeiner – Varsity boys basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of resignation – November 17, 2020
3. Employment
i. Jackie Kayser – library paraprofessional, Gilbert and KI Sawyer Elementary Schools, effective date of hire – November 4, 2020
ii. Ben Olsen – Varsity boys basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 winter season
iii. Jim Finkbeiner – Assistant Varsity boys basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 winter season
iv. Bradley Macario – JV boys basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 winter season
v. Shelle Olsen – Varsity girls basketball coach, Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 winter season
vi. Jamie Gollakner – 8th grade boys basketball coach – Gwinn Middle/High School, effective date of hire – 1st day of the 2020-21 winter season
d. Gifts & Donations
1. Brandon Veale – electronic buzzers (valued at $265) donated to the Gwinn High School Bowl team
2. Gwinn VFW – American flags donated to Gilbert Elementary School, KI Sawyer Elementary School and Gwinn Middle/High School in honor of Veteran’s Day
3. Emanuel Lutheran Church – $500 in school supplies and food for weekend backpack program at KI Sawyer Elementary School
4. Paw Packs – school supplies donated to KI Sawyer Elementary School
5. Ending Hunger Alliance Marquette – clothing and shoes donated to KI Sawyer Elementary School
6. Donors Choose – various donations as listed below:
a. “A ComforTABLE Classroom” (valued at $ 314.99), “And Then There Were None” (valued at $ 303.62), and “Put Your Nose in a Book..and a Mask” (valued at $101.84) donated to Mrs. Hollands’ classroom at GMS/GHS
13. Public Comment
14. Board Member Comments
15. New Business – Action (part 2)
a. Closed Executive Session
i. Negotiations
b. GESPA Contract
c. Principals Contract
d. Central Office Contracts
16. Adjourn

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