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AuTrain River Project Begins this Summer June 11, 2020

AuTrain River Project Begins this Summer June 11, 2020

AuTrain River Project Begins this Summer June 11, 2020

Planning on paddling the AuTrain River this summer?  Hiawatha National Forest staff advise that you “know before you go…”   Throughout the summer of 2020, expect to see and hear timber harvest activities along the AuTrain River.  You may see a lot of activity along the river including heavy equipment,…

NMU Offers Free COVID-19 Educational Modules June 10, 2020

NMU Offers Free COVID-19 Educational Modules June 10, 2020

NMU Offers Free COVID-19 Educational Modules June 10, 2020

Northern Michigan University is offering 11 self-paced, online educational modules related to the COVID-19 pandemic free of charge. NMU faculty members from a variety of disciplines developed the short, non-credit courses. Topics range from the scientific aspects of coronaviruses and testing to the impacts on communities, businesses and families. “We…

MAPS 2020 School Board Election Dates and Deadlines

School Board elections take place on even-year November general election dates.  Candidates who plan to run for their local school board at the November 2020 election must file an Affidavit of Identity and either a nonpartisan nominating petition or a nonrefundable fee with the Marquette County Clerk’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2020.  Failure to file an Affidavit of…

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