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AuTrain River Project Begins this Summer June 11, 2020

AuTrain River Project Begins this Summer June 11, 2020

Planning on paddling the AuTrain River this summer?  Hiawatha National Forest staff advise that you “know before you go…”


Throughout the summer of 2020, expect to see and hear timber harvest activities along the AuTrain River.  You may see a lot of activity along the river including heavy equipment, timber harvesting and work crews performing riverbank restoration.  Most work will occur on weekdays, with the exception of federal holidays. This doesn’t mean that you cannot canoe or kayak the river.  For your safety and the safety of equipment operators, please follow these simple guidelines.


  • Never approach heavy equipment
  • Follow all safety signing
  • Do not enter areas posted as closed or areas where heavy equipment can be seen or heard.


Be safe and enjoy your paddle!


For more information on the AuTrain River Public Access, Parking and Rehabilitation Project, visit our website at


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