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MRHC presents The Wreck of MESQUITE Wednesday, March 10, 2021

MRHC presents The Wreck of MESQUITE Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Wreck of MESQUITE
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. – Live online presentation.

USCGC MESQUITE ran aground in late 1989 off the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula. Ravaged by storms and ice, the Coast Guard sought to remove MESQUITE’S remains the following year. However, local divers had a different idea to preserve this vital artifact of Great Lakes marine history. “Superior Destiny” chronicles MESQUITE’S life as she moved from active duty to becoming the Keweenaw Underwater Preserve centerpiece. Watch this 40-minute film about this storied ship, and then hear from Eric Smith and Dan Fountain, who worked to place the wreck in its permanent underwater home. These divers and keepers of history will give us their perspective on making this film, including additional slides. Enjoy a look at this Superior wreck through the presenters’ accumulated years of diving experience.
This live online presentation will include time for questions with the presenters. It is $5 to join this program, which supports the History Center. Register for the online program on our Events page at

Marquette Regional History Center
145 W Spring Street, Marquette MI 49855

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