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PWPL Teens Read! Kickoff Monday June 14, 2021

PWPL Teens Read!  Kickoff Monday June 14, 2021

Teens Read! Kickoff

Monday June 14-Wednesday June 16. 10am-6pm. Peter White Public Library Teen Zone. Drop by during one of our three days for Teens Read kickoff to get your bingo card, activities and more! Ages 13-18. Please only come to one day of the event; this event is drop in over the course of three days to help facilitate social distancing. Masks and social distancing required. Register online for the Teens Read! reading program at before coming to Teen Reads Kickoff. No admission charge. For more information or to check the status of this program, call 226-4321, visit, or find Peter White Public Library Teen Services on Instagram or Facebook.

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