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Peter White Public Library Youth Services: Call for Art: “The Ickabog” Art Stroll deadline August 3, 2020

Peter White Public Library Youth Services: Call for Art: “The Ickabog” Art Stroll deadline August 3, 2020

Peter White Public Library Youth Services: Call for Art: “The Ickabog” Art Stroll

Now taking submissions for “’The Ickabog’ Art Stroll”. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is releasing a fairy tale online this summer. Go to and read the story as chapters are released every week and use the illustration themes to base your illustrations on. Go to for submission directions, deadline is August 3, 2020. There will be an outdoor art stroll August 10-14. No admission charge. For more information or to check the status of this program, call 226-4323, visit, or find Peter White Public Library Youth Services on Facebook.

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