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GACS Board of Education regular meeting to be held Monday July 20, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Gwinn Area Community Schools, will be held on Monday, July 20, 2020 in the Gwinn Middle/High School Cafeteria.

Meeting called to order: 6:30 P.M.

  1. Call to Order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Approval of Minutes

  4. Approval of Agenda

  5. Public Comment

  6. Financial Report

    1. Presentation of Monthly Check Register

    2. Financial Report

  7. Information

    1. School – Fall 2020

    2. Response to COVID Plan

    3. Class Sizes

    4. Strategic Plan Update

    5. Sinking Fund Update

  1. Superintendent’s Report

    1. Board Update

    2. Correspondence

  2. Old Business – Action

    1. NEOLA Policies – 2nd reading

  3. New Business – Action

    1. Reschedule August Board Meeting

    2. Schools of Choice Resolution

    3. MARESA Contract

    4. Student Handbook Changes

      1. Gwinn Middle/High School

    5. Closed Executive Session

      1. Contract Negotiations

      2. Superintendent Contract

    6. Superintendent Contract

  4. Public Comment

  5. Board Member Comments
  6. Adjourn

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