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Upper Peninsula Weekly Fishing Report February 9, 2022

Les Cheneaux/Munuscong Bay: Anglers were catching a few perch in Hessel Bay and in Musky Bay, however it had started to slow down in Hessel. Munuscong Bay fishing pressure seemed to be slowing down as well and catches there were also starting to slow. There were a few walleye and perch caught at Dan’s Resort. Perch anglers were having a little more luck out of the Conley Point boat launch.

Little Bay de Noc: Anglers targeting perch in deeper water reported schools being relatively spread out, although respectably sized fish. Anglers fishing shallower waters out of Kipling were sorting through small fish and catching only a few large enough to keep. Most perch anglers were using minnows or wigglers, with minnows the most productive bait by far. Walleye fishing had been fair to good. Anglers were catching walleye off Hunter’s Point, near first or Center Reef, near the Escanaba River mouth, Saunders Point and out of the Ford River. All areas report large fish being caught, as well as encounters with undersized fish.

Keweenaw Bay: Anglers were reporting decent numbers of whitefish catches. Some anglers had also reported coho salmon, lake herring and lake trout. Most fish were caught in the mornings and in water of 80 feet total depth and deeper. Anglers reported success through jigging many different lures and baits.

Munising Bay: Anglers reported slow to medium action for whitefish. Last week fishing was spotty, however there were some nice limits of whitefish caught that were 13 to 16 inches. Anglers reported a few legal splake, but through the weekend catches diminished. Trout Bay is open. Spearers had been reporting some nice size lake herring, around 20 inches. A few night anglers were targeting burbot but reported slow fishing.


Fishing Tip: Understanding fish posture to help with ice fishing success

Fish often maintain one of two postures – one where they are ready to strike (fins up and backs arched) or one where they are focused on traveling (fins tucked in). Understanding these postures can aid in your fishing success, particularly through the ice.

The first step when using fish posture to impact your ice fishing techniques is to have appropriate equipment, such as sonar. This tool allows you to visualize the posture and react effectively.

Secondly, pay attention to time periods of aggressive posture. Most likely you will see it exhibited around sunrise and sunset – plan your trips accordingly.

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